Thursday, February 09, 2006


There once was a little bunny who went hippity-hopping down the road on his way to Granny's house. Now this was a very confused little bunny because for some reason he was carrying a basket full of sweetmeats and just why would a bunny take such a thing to his Granny's? For that matter, where would a bunny even get sweetmeats? What the hell are sweetmeats anyway?

Well that's not really important to this story. So this little bunny, who's name was Fred, although everybody called him Laquita due to, well, why isn't important either. Anyway this little Laquita bunny hip-hopped along the path for what must have been ages until he came across his Granny's little house.

It's a pretty house, A nice pale blue with white shutters and a pink picket fence. It sits atop a small rise in a clearing of a rather thick wood. There's a gentle, babbling brook which strolls carelessly behind the back of the house. It's very polluted though as Granny knows nothing of modern plumbing and tends to dump her chamberpot into it every morning. All the fish have moved away as Granny has a rather foul diet.

Anyway, Fred, I mean Laquita, approached the brightly painted red door, which I didn't mention before, and hollered inside, "Yo Granny, you ole be-atch, what my favorite slut be up to?" Fred, I mean Laquita, has a very nasty mouth for a bunny, but he really does love his Granny, in a 90's gangsta rapper type of way.

Granny Bunny opened the door and shot the little fucker dead. "Never could stand the little bastard." she said as she munched on her sweetbreads at Fred's, for the family decided to drop the Laquita from his name as it would have driven the cost of the tombstone up severely, (The stonemason charged by the letter) at Fred's simple, yet somehow pleasant, graveside memorial.


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